The Way, the Truth, the Life – Sunday, October 6, 2019

When we look at an acorn, we see more than an acorn. We know its potential to become a mighty oak tree and start producing acorns itself. It doesn’t bother us that this process can take decades or that growth is slow, almost imperceptible. We know that an acorn is not meant to remain an acorn.

When we look at a human life—including our own—what do we see? Life is not just about getting older. None of us is meant to remain forever the way we are now. Like the acorn, we were meant to become something greater. We were created for growth, improvement, and progression. And for that reason, we have an innate longing to reach for something higher.

Of course, it can take us time to develop into our best self, the person who we truly want to be. We make mistakes along the way; we confront uncertainties and ambiguities. We experience both fear and faith, joy and heartache, belief and unbelief. We’re a lot like the tearful father who said to Jesus, “I believe; help thou mine unbelief” (Mark 9:24). But that shouldn’t discourage us too much, because authentic growth comes best when we, like that father, admit what we lack and seek heaven’s help.
Yes, life is a long walk on a long road, but it helps to have a vision of where that road leads. Pondering the purpose of life, reading holy words, and obeying divine law can provide that vision and guide our course. Learning from the lives of exemplary men and women can help us along the path.
Ultimately, there is One to whom we can look, One whom we can trust with our whole hearts. He is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). He shows us the way of kindness, forgiveness, courage, and compassion. He offers us the truth about who we are and why we are here. He promises us an abundant life—not just life here on earth but life everlasting with Him. This is what we were created for—to become, in process of time, more like Him.
That’s the way, the truth, and the life. And so, remembering what a miracle it is for something small like an acorn to grow into something great like an oak tree, we offer the Lord this heartfelt plea: “May we be more like Thee.”
October 6, 2019
Broadcast Number 4,699

The Tabernacle Choir
at Temple Square

Mack Wilberg

Brian Mathias
Richard Elliott

Lloyd Newell

I Think the World is Glorious
Alexander Schreiner; arr. Mack Wilberg

If the Savior Stood Beside Me
Sally DeFord; arr. Sam Cardon

The Ash Grove
Welsh melody; arr. John Longhurst

Where Love Is
Joanne Bushman Doxey and Marjorie Castleton Kjar; arr. Sam Cardon

May We Be More Like Thee
Mack Wilberg

Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah
John Hughes; arr. Mack Wilberg